Some of our Thoughts

Legal Translation

Google Translate is Not Your Best Friend

We all know the temptation. You’re faced with a long text in a language you have no hopes of understanding and you have no desire to become fluent in a day. You begin typing in

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Legal Translation

What to Look Out For When Signing a Contract

The best legal advice you might ever receive is not to sign anything you do not understand. Be it a contract with vague terms and conditions or one that contains difficult terminology, you should think

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Legal Translation

Why Human Translation is Here to Stay

Why Human Translation is Here to Stay It seems like much of the world is continuing in its forward movement to rely on technology for tasks that humans once did. From being able to order

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Legal Translation

5 Things to Know About Legal Translations

As our world grows rapidly and heavily evolves through globalization, the necessity for legal translation services continues to grow. The constant interaction between nations and cultures in both the private and public sector, especially in

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Legal Translation

Translation: An Essential Scaling-Up Tool

We’ve all heard the old saying, “Money makes the world go round.” While that is certainly true in many ways, we might argue that it is not money itself but communication that really brings us

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