What to Look Out For When Signing a Contract

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The best legal advice you might ever receive is not to sign anything you do not understand. Be it a contract with vague terms and conditions or one that contains difficult terminology, you should think twice before putting pen to paper – especially if the contract has undergone translation. Being tangled up in unforeseen legal obligations is not a situation anyone wants to be in. However, there are a few ways to protect yourself.

  • Read the whole contract.

This may be one of the most common mistakes people make. Often when faced with multiple pages of legal jargon, your eyes tend to skip paragraphs and focus only on what you deem to be important. However, this could result in missing key contractual details or even mistakes. Set aside time to properly read and re-read your contract in its entirety. Spending a little bit of time understanding your contract now will save you from wasting a lot of time in court later.

  • Always read the fine print.

Every part of a contract is legally binding – even the seemingly insignificant clauses buried under layers of writing. Many people are misinformed as to what fine print is and think that it is simply unnecessary legalese. However, the fine print usually sets out vital terms and conditions of a contract. Read carefully through any conditions set out and make sure you know how it will affect you.

  • Never be afraid to ask for clarification.

Contracts usually contain a lot of technical legal language. These terms can be confusing, especially if they are not defined clearly in the contract. It is important to always ask the contractor or a lawyer for clarification to ensure that you understand everything that is written. If there is a legal term you do not understand, find out what it means in your specific case. You do not want to accidentally agree to an unfavourable condition or unintentionally forgo a benefit.

  • Understand the purpose of the contract.

Before you sign a contract, you need to understand its purpose. Why are you signing the contract? What kind of legal relationship do you want to establish with the other party? It is important to be specific and clear about the purpose because different types of contracts give rise to different legal obligations and duties. You need to make sure that what you will be signing correctly captures the legal situation you want to enter. By making certain that you understand its purpose, you will feel more confident that what you are signing accurately reflects your intention.

By following these tips, you can protect yourself from very tricky legal situations. However, the best way to make sure that you fully understand your contract is by working with Dray Translations. Being trusted by Israel’s top law firms, Dray Translations translates any legal document with clarity and accuracy. There is no need to risk legal trouble by relying on subpar translations. With Dray Translations, you can rest assured that your contract accurately reflects the intention of both parties.

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