Video Content Translation: Dominating the Translation Scene Now & Into the Future

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Whether we’re aware, in denial or forthcoming confessional addicts, the number of chronic video content consumers is growing like wildfire. A September 2017 source indicated that Facebook video content consumption made up a whopping 50% of the social media network’s traffic, and overall video marketing statistics and trends have only amplified since. In fact, Hubspot tells us that a Wyzowl study showed 63% of businesses relied on video marketing as a part of their digital marketing strategy in 2017, with the numbers skyrocketing to 81% in 2018, and reaching 87% in 2019.

What’s the point? Video is the way of the world of content marketing today. Our brains process video content 60,000 times faster than text. With its powerful ability to share stories, leverage businesses’ brand awareness and reach worldwide audiences with its simplicity of “click, view, and learn,” it’s no wonder video content translation is also rising in demand.

With targeted segmentation of audiences, video localization is become an integral aspect of digital marketing that opens doorways to markets in all corners of the world. There should be no detectable clues that a video’s subtitles, text or voiceover content is derived from a different source language with professionally localized content translation. While subtitle localization is an easier production route and often less costly, some potential customers will prefer hearing and seeing the video content in their native tongue, providing many with the confidence that easy communication with the company is at hand from the get-go.

To ensure viewers can focus on core messages of videos instead of sifting through unclear or awkward literal translation, professional, localized video translation is becoming a critical asset and need for businesses globally.

Got that perfect video script ready that you want to broadcast in another target language?

Dray Translations can help your video content messages transpire with accuracy and style.

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