Things are rapidly changing in the world today. There are constantly new cases, rulings, and developments that you need to stay on top of in order to be relevant. However, there always seems to be a new area of law emerging or another fierce debate over how a statute should be interpreted. How do you stay on top of all of this? As a legal translation company, we need to stay on track of all the latest developments to ensure that our translations are accurate and relevant. Here’s how we follow all of the latest legal news and updates:
Podcasts offer a great opportunity to catch critical discussions on important news and issues in the legal sphere. There are many legal experts that host podcasts and discuss in-depth fascinating areas of law and emerging trends in the legal sphere. Podcasts allow you to reflect on the most relevant ideas and happenings in law and hear new insights about legal issues you wouldn’t have thought of. The best part? You can listen to them anywhere. On your way to work, while you’re running, or even when you’re making coffee in the office, you can stay on track wherever you are.
The biggest cases may be splashed across the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, but what about those that do not pique the interest of the non-legal world? We need to know whether a judge has overturned a previous decision, what new legal issues are being decided upon, and updates to legal practices. Staying on top of the latest information and changes is what makes a good lawyer. Law-specific news outlets such as JDSupra and Reuters Legal are great places to find out about the newest developments in the legal world as they happen with the focus being on the law itself instead of the details surrounding it.
Journals are where you can delve into niche legal topics and gain a comprehensive understanding from well-respected academics and experts in the legal field. Although these come out less frequently than podcasts and aren’t as up-to-date as news outlets, they are usually more researched and substantiated with intensive legal and academic sources. When preparing for a case, journals are an important secondary source for critical insights and arguments on relevant legal issues. Particularly, if you are engaging in a new area of law, these are a great point of call to investigate the latest in-depth research on the matter.
However you choose to stay informed, make sure that it is coming from a reliable source. WIth so many different options, it’s important to evaluate their trustworthiness and reputation. We hold these values highly which is why many of our clients return to do business with us.