Just the word “bureaucracy” is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl. Thoughts of crowded government offices and a lifetime of paperwork shoved into a little bag can make anyone want to run away into the mountains. However, it doesn’t have to be like that. You can conquer your fears of missing documents, incorrect paperwork, and long lines with our easy-to-follow tips.
#TipOne: Keep all of your important documents in one place.
It’s very rare to walk into a government office and only need one document. Usually they ask for a multitude of paperwork and you don’t want to be scrambling around trying to find your passport or birth certificate. By keeping it all in one place, you’ll be able to pull out any document you need and minimize the risk of losing anything.
#TipTwo: Make photocopies of everything.
Make sure you photocopy everything so that you have records of your paperwork in case something happens. Not every company is as organized as Dray Translations – there have been many horror stories of companies losing people’s important documents. Having a back-up plan for your documents is always a good idea.
#TipThree: Learn the best times to visit government offices.
Early in the morning? In the middle of work? We’ve all had friends and family swear by these times. While there may be some value in waking up early and being first in line, several journalists have revealed that an hour before lunchtime in the middle of the week is the best time to go.
#TipFour: Schedule all expiration dates.
You don’t want to look at your passport or driver’s license and suddenly realize that they expire tomorrow. Take thirty minutes to check your passport, driver’s license, and registration and schedule the expiration dates in your calendar and set a reminder for a month before.You’ll be sure to never miss renewing your documents with helpful reminders.
#TipFive: Use Dray Translations for all your translation needs.
We’re an all-in-one translation service that prioritizes excellence and customer service. No more “your document got lost in the mail” or “we need to extend the deadline”. With us, you can trust that your documents are in safe hands and are being translated only by native-level proficiency translators.
Getting organized and being prepared will save you a world of frustration. There is no need to stand in line for hours or deal with people ‘losing’ your documents. With these easy steps, you’re sure to beat bureaucracy.